Dedicated to all the great friends out there

Didnt think i had a heart
after all ive done
didnt think i could ever love
never again
but when they threatened you
my friend
anger welled up inside me
my heart broke free
i beat the crap out of them
you dont mess with my friends
i love you guys
more than life itself
only you can make me laugh
never be happy anywhere else
ill always love movie night
and our marshmellow fights
who wouldnt wanna be sticky and icky
laughing your ass off
with your best buds?
sounds perfect for me
i guess thats why im loved
ill go anywhere
as long as i can laugh
and hug random perople for cookies
yes, alas, this poem sucks
but you know you love me for that to
and its 12:51
not time for sun
and i sit in my chair
staring at the screen
what strange thing will pop into my head next?
who knows
it could be about you
i must be truelly tired
for i cant even stay on topic
well once again,
i love you guys
now i say goodbye
and goodnight