life is an overrated...

it's too much.. but it's awesome.

once there was a heart ..
too much to be be darn..

piles of trails..
pack singles in days..

the yawn of the bees..
start to melt in years..

what's in it in a dear..
when no one is near..

when thy soul is cheered..
thy life is embraced..

when thou has spoken..
thy mind is shoken..

my teeth are awakening..
thy shores of curious is remembering..

remember to perseve..
and you'll know what it's been..

hay's of job..
careers of the mob..

selflessly been torn..
and not a chance to be worn..

thy silk of truth..
shalt never be brute..

for the thread of life..
is too overrated to be a lie..

when thy soul is weary ..
and thy hopes are very...

life is overrated...
but.. we enjoy it still..

when thy art is keen..
and thy charge is kneels..

thy resistance is over..
nothing is covered...

your life is changing..
everytime you are making...

something that will help you..
or something to pull through..

look up and imagine..
what would happen in calamity..

fantasize and pretend..
that i'ts not over yet..

thy dreams of a person ..
is too much to be grappled..

thy life is truly naked..
and too very close to have fainted ..

life is truly a phenomenon..
too much to be a trialathon ..

one thing is for sure..
that when your thought are in a closure//..

seizures of the light..
makes sure it's a blank..

you'll never understand..
but one thing is in the stand...


i mean life it self..

is overrated.