I still love,think,and miss you

I go through every day wishing you were still mine, All I every do is think about you during the day and all I dream about at night, I go through every day looking at your beautiful face and trying to hold back all the tears cause I still love you, I miss you more than words can describe, I miss every thing about you, I miss our hugs and the way you would kiss me, I miss the way you use to hold me in your arms and keep me safe from all the dangers in the world, I go through every day with the regret of losing you, I wish I could change your mind but I know now that I can't, Every day when I look at you and your in some one elses arm it makes me want to cry, Knowing that that use to be me and you, I go through every day with sadness that I hope learns to fade, I go through every day trying not to cry, I go through every day missing you more and more, I go through every day wishing it was only me and you, I go through every day loving you even though its only in my mind but I can't help it, Im so adicted to you, I go through every day trying to think positive but its so hard, The pain I feel always wins, Every one says I will get better in time, that all this is is another highschool crush but I know in my mind it is something more, I know I was in love with you and still am, I never felt this way about any one, I never cryed so many tears over one person, when you used to kiss me you would always take my breath away, when you would hold my hand I felt this electrifing feeling inside me, when I woul lay next to you and listen to your heart beat I never listened to any thing so soothing, When you would hold me I felt one with you, I still love you with all the pieces i've managed to find, I still miss you, I still think about you, I still cry over you, I don't know if this feeling will every end, this strong feeling of love for you, I am glad we are still good friends, cause I would rather have you as a friend then nothing at all, Cause no matter what I still want you in my life,I still need you in my life, Im so crazy about you, can't you see, I still love,think,and miss you! Even with a shattered heart...