I'm Not What I Seem To Be

I'm not what I seem to be
I am what everyone wants to see

I smile
when i feel like breaking down
I'm like a child,
scared of every little sound

When I look at you
I want to cry
but instead I swallow the tears and say hi

I cant tell you more
I have resigned
I know you're never going to be mine

I always seem happy
But I'm not in reality
Everything you see isn't me

I want someone to help me feel,
like I'm worth the protectiveness of a shield

Though I want to feel suffocated
in your delicate arm
I want to feel love
Without falling in a mistaken lie

I appear to be fearless
But inside I'm to try
I'm afraid to get hurt like all the other times

I'm tired of it raining every night
I'm done being stuck in that fight

I want to experience joy
All I want is for one boy
to make me feel safe again
I want him to be my special friend
I dont want to be in another "The End"