Avenged Sevenfold

Once there were some crack heads,
A7x and their girls too.
Their love was so strong,
all they did was screw.

First we have Syn and Nasia.
Nasia loved orange a lot,
that we are for sure.
Syn was obsessed with porn,
so much that there was no cure.

Then we have evil Abby,
she can be a bitch.
And her playboy Matt,
he threw Jimmy in a ditch.

Then we have Jimmy,
the one we love the most of course.
And Diane she is so tall
she reminds us of a horse.

Then there is Rachel,
she is a home wrecker,
though she is no ho.
And Syn is pretty much just for show.

Then we have Cassi and Johnny,
A match made in heaven.
They will definitely
be drunk before seven.

Then we have Paige and Zacky,
they were meant to please.
So their sex is never bleak.

Then we have Brenna.
She is no trend setta, but she is a go getta,
She might get Johnny,
But only with her body.
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY IM A DRUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i changed a few things yes but u will only know this if u have read it before. if u have not read this before then no i have not changed anything.....XD

Thanks goes out to the ones who helped!:
Richie aka Rachel came up with the part about Brenna and Paige(Zacky) and Me(Johnny)
Brenna she helped me the most we wrote half of this!!!!!!!!!!
Abby came up with the part about richie