
Cut you into my life
Like a paper valentine
Engraved with a blunt blade
Frantic for you to stay in place

Step into the dark
Shake the stardust from your sleeves
Who knew you were that
Psychotic gleaming cry

So sharp in the night
Like cymbols that quaked with a sound
So anguished and cutting
That to hear it you nearly died
Before you realized
It was yours

An echo of the daring inside you
Like your hand that grips the
Rails of the bridge
Shining eyes stare into the rushing water below
A silvery giggle, a whispered “Hello”

Death never came for you
You searched it out
With unbridled curiosity
Fascinated by everything
Frightened by nothing

Hold the smoke and blood and pain
With mystical songs and wild escapades

The moment you took those first steps
You were running
Grasping life and death in one second of time

Bleeding silver on the stage
As the clock face shatters and
Time is scattered
In a glimmering glass-shard dust
Lost to the skies

Fall into the stars
Run eager into the blinding sunlight
Always laughing

Death falls from the heavens
Like a shooting black star
Unafraid, you reach out and take it
Hold it in your hand

It cannot infiltrate your lungs
Cannot steal your breath
Or still your heart
The blood in your veins defies all

“Don’t cry, my valentine whirlwind,
My alley of smoking guns
This is all over
When I count to three”

Whisked back into the blinding light
Falling through black holes in time and space
Pinned beneath a sky of fire
Slammed back to the earth with invisible forces

The ground shakes thunderously
The skies are torn with slashing blades of light
It feels like the end of the world
Everything is aglow with forces of fury

And you stand in the face of danger
Laughing as you stab the last evil to death
Holding out your hand to feel the crimson raindrops
Light as moonlight on your skin

A photoraph in time
a single captured moment
You remind me of a child in the rain
So innocent
And yet...

The black angel is slayed
You set the spirit of death free
Tamed, back into the stars
Scattered in the sky like the pills strewn
By handfuls in the street
which are
Drawn to your bloodstained fingers
As you cast the black poison
Into the burning eclipse
Of molten white and crimson fury

A flash, an explosion, so bright
But your eyes remain wide
Holding the knife in ready to fight
The blade I tried to imprison you with

Fascination undisguised on your face
In the brilliant intensity of the light
Just for a moment
Then silence
Still as I’ve ever seen you be

Silver embrace, you are
The dark angel that you slayed

Life and death embodied
You are not fear or fatigue
You are not hunger or sleep

You are not what I thought

And when the aftershadow settles over all
You are gone

Disappearing into the dark streets
The only signs it all wasn’t a dream,
The mad giggles that fade as you vanish
The smoke in the allies
The scent of laughter in the cool, dark air

The shattered glass on cobblestones
Once an angel, time and tears

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