You Changed

You make me want to laugh so hard,
You’ve changed from solid gold.
To something tarnished and tainted.
You’re not the pretty shiny thing that first caught my eye.
You’re not that big huge star that glistens in the sky.
If I was you I would run a mile a minute.
Just to find who I used to be the one that was just right.
But no one can run faster than the speed of light.
And that’s how fast you vanished.
That’s how fast you left me here to wallow in my misery.
You were gone and in the arms of another in the blink of an eye.
You changed you appearance and you messed with your style.
You went from being a normal guy to wearing jeans that would better fit me.
You wear that ridiculous hat and think you look so cool.
But girls aren’t drooling and thinking you’re fit…
More like cringing away and thinking you’re a misfit.
So find your self and put it right.
I’m not being a bitch just showing you the light.