Ode to Supernatural

There's two brothers that we know,
who entertain us with their show.
Full of action and adventure,
killing things before they get ya.
Dean takes care of his whole family,
just don't cal his brother 'Sammy.'
If you touch his car,
you better run, and very far!
With girls he never has a problem,
they always gather right around him.
Sam is sweet and so soft spoken,
even when his heart is broken.
Headaches are his only torture,
seeing visions of the future.
When everything id going wrong,
and days are really, really long,
pranks and jokes lighten the mood,
while Dean is happy with his food.
There is one thing they can't deny,
on each other day or night,
when things don't turn out right.
They would die for one another.
When the day is at it's end,
they will still be best of friends.