The Stars Are My Dream.

I'm caught in between,
of being what you want me to be
and just being me.
Looking up at the sky,
stars showing a thousand million different lights
holding dreams for everyone to catch.
My wrists show
my path and what might be my future,
it shows the way I am with or without you.
Pictures of smiles,
friends for ever
and people you'll never talk to to again.
And while you're yelling at me,
they're the only ones
telling me to be whatever I want to be.
The clouds come in view,
they bring hope you destroyed over and over,
they bring it with the shining sun smiling over them.
You think I'm lost
going on this never ending road,
to nowhere exactly.
When I tell this to my friends,
they laugh and they smile at me,
while all along they say they're at the side of road helping to guide me where I want to be.