Being With You.

Your arms,
Give me security,
Happiness like I've never known

Your scent,
Fills me,
Reminds me of you when your long since gone

Your kisses,
Addicting like the deadliest drug,
Never wanting to part from you.

The night we became one,
The happiest day of my life.
Being with you,
Brought me such comfort and joy that words can't compare.
Waking up in your arms,
Kissing my forehead pulling me closer to you,
One of the sweetest moments ever.

I hope the way you make me feel,
Never goes away.
That being with you,

i wrote this around 30 minutes before my boyfriend and i broke up the first time, i had just gotten home from his house. I wasn't going to post it for the fear of him reading. But i was proud of my first poem so here it is. </3