For all the freaks and soldiers of the MCRmy

When you look at me what do you see?
Do you acknowledge the heavy eyeliner I wear?
Or do you see yourself with black hair?
So you think i'm a freak? Well just let my friends speak.

They will tell you who the real monster is. The real emos.
Whichever ever way the wind blows, is the way you go.
So don't laugh just because I don't like pop.
We can't all be bleach blonde and perfect.
So why try to fix us, as we are not broken.
We stand together, for that is the token.

Talk about us, we won't mind.
Look further and you might find the answers you seek.
You knew it wasn't fair to attack the weak.
For all the freaks and soldiers of the MCRmy,
you stand prouder than a cheerleader, you speak kinder than a counselor,
but most of all you stick through it. And we admire you for that!
Tall, short, skinny, fat. Who cares about looks?

You're so much better than the other girls.
The one's that only exist in books.
So write your poetry, wear your black,
lay on the heavy make up, and listen to your rock.
But know this, you're never alone.
I'm not encouraging self-harm, there are other ways to write love on your arm. Use a
sharpie, hug a friend, for you see, via love is how things mend.