Letting you go

I don't think that there will ever be
Sufficient words to describe
The pain that's been caused
By the empty space at my side

You were the first person
I was able to trust
After trusting became
Such a difficult task

And you were the first person
To say that it didn't matter
Even if I didn't tell you
You'd still give me your shoulder

To you I could never be
More then just a friend because
As you so tactfully put it
You "played for the other team"

I honestly didn't care
I wasn't ready for anything
Though you don't know why
And now you never will

And silly me, falling for a guy
Who could never fall back
Though now that I think of it
It might have been on purpose

The fact of the matter is
You reminded me of something
You showed me that not all men
Are like the one that hurt me

And you kept me from the precipice
Held my hand
Didn't let me jump
Told me it would be okay

So even though you're gone
And even though I know
That we'll probably
Never meet again

You still mean a lot
And I'll never forget you
Even though right now
I'm letting you go