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Why cant it all go back
go back to the way
the way it used to be,
where we could talk
be open and be free.

We used to be friends,
I liked you and you
you liked me.
Thats all different and gone.
Why did it stop?
Why did I take so long?

Sometimes it seems
seems as if I don't exist.
You never take the time
the time to look and see.

I was young, stupid, and naive
naive and gave up
gave up something that could be
could have been great.

Now you are gone
gone and don't notice me.
It could have been love, you,
you could have been the one.

Its done, over with, now
I don't know you and you
you don't know me.
I wish it could go back
go back to the way
the way it used to be.

~Silver-Starshine [3-28-09]