Once Upon a Time

My mom always tells me
That somewhere out there
My once upon a time is waiting
That if I just have patience
I'll find my happily ever after
She says that I just need to hold on
That he's looking for me
And someday he'll find me
That all the bad
Leads to all the good
I want to believe her
Truely, I do
But it's kind of hard
When you feel like
Your world has already ended
And when your not even sure
You want prince charming to come
Because your afraid
He just may fail at saving you
And the truth is
Fairy tales stopped being real
A long time ago
I say all this with my eyes
But my mouth smiles
And I say "I know"
♠ ♠ ♠
Bleh, again. It needs editing, but I'll post it anyway. Anyway, its about doubt. Don't let the title fool you.