A Ghost's Message

Forever and ever

the boy would live

a ghost who could never

himself forgive,

that day playing by the pool

he drowned

his small pale white body

his sister found.

His mother and father

screamed and cried

for their little angel

had so tragically died,

on his sixteen year old sister

was laid all the blame

now she torments herself

have the parents no shame.

But her pain he couldn’t

take away

and she grew paler

every day,

He tried to reach her

but he couldn’t

she started to do things

he knew she shouldn’t.

He tried to stop

her bleeding wrists

but the blood just flowed

through his small fists,

and every time

she cut herself

the little ghost boy

only blamed him self.

Eight years old

the day he died

his whole life he never

would have made her cry,

its all his fault that

her life was in flames

because no one else

would take the blame.

But he could do nothing

to make her life better

so with her blood

he wrote out a letter,

“I love you,” he wrote

on the wall

“It was never your fault

after all.”

The confused ghost boy

reached her too late

and the little ghost boy

transformed with hate,

around her dying body he flew

a hideous master piece he drew.

A picture of the family

they once were

And one last message,

“Does no one care about her?”

To take her soul

The demons arrived

“Take mine not hers,”

The little boy cried.

With a glint in his eye

The demon agreed,

To the gates of heaven,

The girls soul was freed.

But the boy the demons

Did not take,

He roams the world

Eyes cold with hate.

But sometimes you

might feel his cold hand,

he tells you your pain

he understands.

And every girl

that cuts her wrists,

reminds him painfully

of his older sis.