Just Listen

I love you dearly
First know that that's true
And even when we're fighting
I still feel love for you

And when I say I hate you
Please know that it's a lie
Because I can't even imagine
The forever kind of good-bye

And though you bruise me often
I deal back my share
It's only because you're stronger
That things are so unfair

But you've got to stop these mind games
And get over your twisted glee
The kind you only get
When you minipulate people like me

You've got to stop picking
At people till the brake
Because one day you'll realize
It's such a huge mistake

Someday people will see
They don't need to crawl back to you
And then, my dear dear sister,
Then what will you do?

I've already promised
That I'll always be there
But other's cannot see
Just how much you really care

And power isn't as amazing
As you seem to think it is
You have stop looking at the world
Like it's only full of kids

When you look into the mirror
Are you happy with what you see?
A girl who gets her greatest joys
From causing others misery

And I know you do not mean it
That that's just how you deal
But that's because I'm your sister
Because it's something I can feel

Just be a bit more careful
With the people that you love
So there won't come a day
When you see what I'm warning you of