The End

I've danced across the horizon
And ridden many a shooting star.
I've rested my head on clouds so soft
And dreamed of dreams afar.

There are no more lands to be discovered
For I've been everywhere there is to be.
There are no more treasures to be found
For I've seen all there is to see.

I've moved mountains and built bridges
Across lands far and wide.
I've fought monsters, and dragons
With nothing more than a sword at my side.

I've been there and back again
And I've done everything there's to be done.
I've checked everything off my to-do list,
Every entry but one.

The end is near my good friend
And I'm not afraid to die.
There is nothing left to do but wait
Under the clear blue sky.

You can't be afraid of death.
For that is like going through life scared.
You must live life to the fullest.
Always telling the truth, but always choosing dare.

But when the end comes for me
You must do what I have done.
Because for all the years I've known you,
You've never let loose and had some fun.

So live your life the way it should be lived,
For now it's my time to go.
I've lived and loved like no other,
Now it's your turn to carry on the show.