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Tagged: blueeyedangel2
Created by BlueEyedAngel2 on Friday, January 23, 2009
She searche high and low,
For the love she's lost,
He's headed for war,
And she wants to stop him,
To give him her love,
To ask his forgiveness,
But he won't let her near,
Won't lend her his ear,
She's never felt so lost,
So alone.
Since the day,
They parted ways,
She's been slowly,
Dying inside.
She feels emotionally numb,
Not much affects her anymore,
She's lost,
To her family, her friends,
Even to herself,
He's the missing piesce,
He called her that once,
His missing piesce,
And now she understands,
But it's too late.
She's searching for
The missing piesce of her heart.. her love