When you've lost someone; what's left for you to say?

On a spring's cool nightt
Who would've guessed
That on such a beautiful evening
Friends would dress in their best
But for all the wrong reasons
And in all the wrong ways
It seems it's not only seasons
That have a habit of change
Falling asleep with a restless dream
That everything was still the same
I still just can't believe
That you were taken away

It's so surreal how fast it all happened
I didn't even get to say goodbye
I just kept taking for granted
What I thought would never leave my side
But now that you're gone
I suppose all that's left for me to do
Is wish for you; only the best
And never forget you
And though it may be a little late
I just wanted to speak my mind
And I'm sorry to have to say it in the first place
But I guess this is goodbye..

R.I.P. Erica Hansen 03-27-09