Condemned Angel

There are people in this world
Who live their life
To protect the lives of others
Through heartache and strife

These people are outlaws
They usually act to fast
They live to protect
But will their protection last?

My name is Rose Marie Mockery
I’m one of them
But I’m different
I’m sworn to protect her from him

The things he did to her
Are unimaginable
I don’t know why
But his reasons are unfathomable

She tells me things
Things no one else can know
I recognize the look in her eyes
She’s going to go

I want to show her my world
I want her to know real happiness
A place where all bad is kept out
The place I can afford to be careless

Some call it heaven
But for me
It paradise
A place for me to be

I tell her to trust me
I grab her and run
No Angel has done what I just did
But it had to be done

I’ll probably be fired
But I’ll still protect her
I can’t give up now
But I can’t be bolder

I’m more than Rose Marie Mockery
More than what they tell me I am
I have become, more than an Angel
I’ve become her friend

I can’t explain it
This “Friendship” we share
I couldn’t leave her
That I couldn’t bear

I know so much
More than she lets on
That smile she had
When the truth comes out its gone

So this is my life
This girl no one knows
She has become my friend
And to hell I will go

It’s against the rules
To become friends with her
But it was my choice, and
I’ve broken them before

So Heaven won’t take me
But I don’t really care
It means I get to stay
And not leave this her burden to bear

I am still Rose Marie Mockery
But I’ve changed a lot
I’ve figured out that a friendship like hers
Can’t be bought

I’m still the girl
Who lives her life
To protect her
Through heartache and strife

I’m that girl
I’m an outlaw who acts to fast
I’m still protecting her
And that protection will last.