Blood and Ice

She tells me
Not to fight the fire with the flame
But when things like this happen
Who am I supposed to blame?

You killed my best friend,
Who could you be?
You’re the one,
She used to call "Daddy"

Was it fun for you?
Taking all innocence she had away
Did it make you look cool?
Making her stay in and “Play”

Did you love the feelings?
Or how everyone ignored the signs?
Is that why it kept repeating?
Your word against mine.

You told her you loved her,
She kept believing you.
Now we realize she was wrong,
I really wish it wasn’t true.

Would you have done that?
That stupid thing they know you did?
If you had known that,
This would be your end?

They set you free,
After several long years but,
Just because you’re out,
Doesn’t cover for her tears.

If you came near her
The police wouldn’t care
But as for me
Well, that's your burden to bear

You won’t be by her
You won’t ever touch her again
I’ve been her Guardian Angel
I’m been her best friend

Maybe it’s best
To freeze your blood with ice
To let you suffer
And to you no one be nice

They won’t do that
The Police say you’re free
She tells me not to
But that can’t stop me

Not after what you put her through
Not after what you did
She was so young
She was only a kid

So that’s why I’m here.
I fought the fire with flame
I’m facing hard time
And you’re to blame.