Love is What Killed Me

You say sorry
Those big, blue eyes
Starring into mine
And once again, a sad girl cries

You catch my tears
And put your arms around me
“I want you not her”
I fall into you and let everything be.

“Why” I ask you
My voice shaky and weak
You pull me closer, ignore my question
Lean down and kiss my cheek

I look up at your blurry face
Your hands dry my tears
“I love you”
You whisper quietly in my ear

And again I believe you
But what will happen now?
As she walks through that door
Her face in shock, “Wow!”

For a moment
I thought you would leave
Go to her and tell her
“It’s not what you think”

But I was wrong
You stayed by me
You looked at her
As she fell to her knees

“Please don’t do this”
It was her plea
You grabbed my wrists
Led me out and left her be

But soon time won
I thought I wouldn’t care
You took her and left me
And that I couldn’t bear

Now I’m in my room
Crying, no longer sane
The blade to my throat
Then no more pain

You came looking for me
To try to take me back
You saw everything, my throat slit
The blood running down my back

What would you do now?
Would you go to her, or,
Would you follow me?
So I could be forever yours.

They know what you choose
As you lay next to me
I was more important to you
Than any girl could ever be

As with her,
She went to him
Her other love,
You were so smart, yet so dim

They say love is pure happiness
That is a bullshit lie
Even with us dead
Love still makes everyone cry

How is love so heartless?
Now you and I know
I thought it would be easier,
Letting you go

As I sit here
In what the call “Paradise”
Your right beside me
Waiting for the throw of the dice

We wait to know what’s next
I give up
And let life be as is
You stare at me; I smile and say “sup”

I know you’ll take care of me
You proved that with what you did
My life wasn’t worth yours
We were just a couple of kids

Happiness doesn’t exist
No matter what they say
Maybe someone will invent
Something to make the tears go away.