My War

I don’t know which way is up or down?
I can’t keep this lie up.
Am I yours or am I his?
You push me away then pull me back in.

I can’t be with him,
Without worrying about you.
What have I done?
To make this path you walk through

And now I sit here
Evaluating my choice
Even though the truth is,
I have no voice

Either way will end badly
Either you or he will hate me
I can’t make that choice
Why must you do this to me?

He was my world
But you’re leaving me behind
I loved him more than I should
That’s when I thought love was kind

You stepped in the picture
And picked my broken heart up
I couldn’t help but trust you
Now I would never give that trust up.

He broke my heart
This I will admit
But maybe he can fix it
With a first aid kit

But maybe that’s not enough
For you to trust me
Even though you say you do.
Why can’t you just let it be?

I love you so much more,
Than any other one
But my war is being fought
And so far your side has won.

Loving him might get me hurt
It’s risky, I know
Please let me take that risk
With him I want to go

With three simple words
The war is done
“I don’t care”
And my side finally won