Thanking the Pig

I’m leaving
Escaping this town
Waiting for this wind
To just die down

I’m taking her with me
I need her out
I need to protect her
We have to leave no doubts

He’s come back
Probably for more
He lives by me
He knocks at my door

“I know she’s here,
Give her to me and I’ll leave you alone”
Your voice is calm.
But it chills down to my bone

“And what if I don’t?”
Your face turns red
“She’s mine now.”
You just scratch your head

You run into my house
“Get out” I yell at you.
You see her run
Not away but keeping me from you.

“I’m not leaving,
Until she is with me.”
“Get out of my house
Leave us and let us be.”

My emotion is gone
I only see you
I grab my knife
Before you know what’s happening to you

“You don’t have the guts
You’re just a little kid.”
I asked if you wanted to bet.
And that’s what you did

Her scream brought me back
You had her in your arms
What was I to do?
You won her by your charm

“I win.”
Was all you had to say
I told you that you needed to pay

You looked at me
Next thing you knew
She was on the ground
But you were too

She got up
And ran behind me
You just lay there
It was your destiny

I turned around
Gave her a hug
She stood there crying
Then I felt a tug

It was her sister
Seeing all this blood
She knew him and what he did
His eyes unstaring, brown as mud

She carried all she could lug
To sweet Tennessee
Because that’s where she knew
She needed to be

I followed her there
Making sure she would be okay
The cops don’t care
They would rather it this way

No one will hurt her
Though I know they could
They love her to much
Given the chance, none of us would

Now we walk home
Smelling sweet Tennessee air
Not a worry in the world
No burden to bear

I must thank you, though
If it wasn’t for what you did
We probably wouldn’t have been like this
So thank you, you stupid selfish pig