Love and Hate

Love is when you'd do anything to make them happy,
To make them smile,
Even if it hurts you some.
Love is unconditional,
If you love someone,
Truely love them NOTHING can change that,
No matter how much they hurt you.
Love is when you do ANYTHING to keep from hurting the one you love.
You'd protect them with your life,
Like Jesus did in John 19,
When he died on the cross for a world who didn't accept him.
Love is when you ache to be near the one you love.
Love is God.

Hate is first of all a terrible thing that has NO place anywhere to hurt someone,
Even if it ment destroying yourself as well.
Hate is when you'd do ANYTHING to destroy someone else,
Even if it ment you lost your own life, to do it.
Hate is Hitler,
Hate is murders.
Hate is gossip.
Hate is what you've shown me all week.
Hate is hell.
Hate is Satan.