lost in sadness longing for one to be here

how do you call out for some one that wont hear you?

they say listen with your heart, such a hard thing to do when your heart is dead.

with out a beat in this lonesum cave that i call a chest i atemt to call out

call out for you in hopes that you will hear my call and return like an eagle returns to it's nest to care for their child.

i feel lost with out hope you seem to be so far away, i try to bring you closer but all i seem to be doing is pushing you farther away

you ran in to the arms of another searching for what i could't give you

did you find it? no...

you ran with out realizing that i have no heart yet i have an eternity of love to give

will you take my love from me and make it your own like a lost breath of air

drowning in this sea of emotions im hoping to find an escape

an escape out of here out of this darkness and in to the light that is you

will you take me in to your light and help me find my heart once more?

i can only plea with you for your help

unfinished buisness that will soon be compleeted by one's love

help me be compleet, you and only you compleet me

leave behind your bigotry and be my only hope

hope for life and hope for return to this humanity

with out you i am nothing but a distant memory of what could have been

was it really you i was seeing or was it just a dream?