Nothing more then me

You look at me and judge me
You don't even know me
I don't understand why you think I'm not worthy
I don't understand why you think I'm beneath you
Is it because I'm strong?
Or is it simply because I'm not like you?
You're a fool either way
You limit yourself with your mindless prejudice
You'll never know me or the things I can do
Not because I won't show you
But because you don't want to see
In this world, there are two types of people
There's you, and then there's me
You only see what you want to see
Only looking at what's right in front of you
I see everything around me
I look for those things unseen
You pride yourself in being prideful
Boasting at the given chance
My pride comes from being thoughtful
I'll never just pass you by without a second glance
Your constantly searching
for something
for anything
for more
On that aspect I can agree
But the difference between us lies in one thing
You're still searching for who you are
And I am exactly who I want to be