The Tradgedies.

I don't worry about you sir, because I know you're okay without me
You've always been okay with out me.
You told me you didn't want to
You told me you didn't want to

What do you know? [X4]

You've always been okay with out me.
Even though you said "I doubt see,
I need you like my lungs need air
like a heart that needs a beat
I said "I-don't-care"
You've always been okay without me
[You've alway's been okay without me]

What do you know? [X4]

I'm not coming back to you anymore
It's time for you to leave sir, I'll guide you to the door.
You broke my heart, you see,
and now it's time to leave
You told me you didn't want to
You told me you didn't want to

What do you know?[ X2]

You've always been okay without me
[You've alway's been okay without me]
Even though you said "I doubt see,
I need you like my lungs need air
like a heart that needs a beat
I said "I-don't-care"

You've always been okay without me
[You've alway's been okay without me]
What do you know?[ X2]