Little Girl

This is a story about a sad little girl.
She was born by mistake into this world.
Her daddy's a drunk, her mommy's a junkie,
I won't dare to say that she's ever been lucky.
Her mommy hits her, gives her a bruise,
And her daddy often hurts her too.
Her daddy rapes her all night long
In every way her life is so wrong.
Then one day she hears a voice from above
A voice so tender and filled with love.
It tells her she doesn't have to hurt no more
She could go back to like it was before.
It wasn't always like this, life used to be nice
But she knows that she won't get lucky twice.
Still she hopes that the day would finally come
That life would be good, for her daddy and her mom
With those little words that she had received
She felt so unbelievably relieved
Then suddenly she feels like she's floating in air
And the hurt is all gone that she had to bear
And the last thought that went through her mind
That her parents would finally in the end find
Happiness and love, the things she didn't get.
That no one would feel the pain, that she had met.