Earth under man

This placid orb blue and white,
Born as a swirling watery sphere.
When the hot lifeblood burst aloft,
The lands were shaped and moulded here.

Then the angry air began to cool,
And greenery swept the barren lands.
The flora began to sprout en mass,
And the trees erupted on the lifeless sands.

Then the terrible lizards ruled the world,
And the tyrant king began to tread,
But his reign was cut before his time,
A rock from the sky had struck him dead.

The apes watched the tyrant die,
They sensed the vacuum of power arise,
The primates stepped down from the branches,
And they took the world as their own prize.

The fumbling apes began to change,
Tails and fur were required no longer
They stood up straight, and became Man,
And used their tools to make them stronger.

But then Man began to think,
And his thoughts were of a darker kind.
He dreamt of blood and blades and death,
And an evil genius began in his mind.

Man became worse than the tyrant lizard,
His coldly struck his enemies down.
He murdered beasts and men alike.
For God, for valour, for country and crown.

The blade was then replaced by gunpowder,
And then the rocket took the stage.
The weapons of war escalated forever,
And the bloody violence continued to rage.

Man would eventually end himself,
If he did not try to curb his powers.
And another beast would rule the world,
When Man lay silent among the flowers.