The Book of Beauty

You glimmer with light
and shine with pride
I gaze at your presence
drool at your outside

I begin to read your summary
The words and lies, deceive
It's hidden words are fatal
To the ones who believe

You're stimulating to my eyes
Hot, pretty, cutie
I read the first chapter
Hypnotized by beauty

I skip the pages, eager to read
And I see a part of you
Your shadow
It hisses words that betray the cover

I fear and ask
Is this the real you
You smile and nod saying so
I believe it's true

Cinderella, Snow White
I can see your true color
You put on the mask
I agree like no other

Cinderella, Snow White
Your smiles disappear
The mask cracks and I see
The one that I fear

Your shadow
It carries the truth
Your shadow
The one that has proof

Your shadow, it's ego
It's clear words heard blurry
Your shadow, it's purpose
It's role in your princess story

I can hear the words
At the end of the book
Beginning to ending
I see the true crook

Your beauty
My lust
Your lies
My trust

The Book of Beauty
Telling all what it must
The truths and the lies
Will bring it to just