sex object.

we constantly argue
never stop fighting
you cheat
and I deal with it
I don't speak until spoken to
I don't act without permission
you make me cry more often then smile
you make me feel stranded
make me feel alone
I know I deserve better
I can't seem to walk away
you make me feel used
it seems that the only time you give me respect is in bed
if you're not inside me
you make me hurt inside
I am a girl
girls deserve as much respect as any man recieves
I don't need to be slapped everytime I make a mistake
I don't need to be choked everytime I look at another guy
you say you love me
say you're only trying to protect me
protection makes someone feel safe
saftey is one thing I never feel with you
you use me
you abuse me
I'm not a sex object!

This is dedicated to Collin. I'm glad you chose to leave me or I would have never been free from you. Although this means you will not be in your childs life, I'm sure we'll get by just fine.