Rebecca Grace Campbell

Little Becca Campbell
Born April 2009
A beautiful spring baby
She is so cute and so fine
She's surrounded by those who love her
And Even far away
Where their are people who haven't met her yet
But adore her anyways
She has Patty for a mom
And Mike for a dad
And cute little Patrick
For a brother to comfort her when she's sad
She's got MawMaw for a Grandma
And Susie for an aunt
And Alyssa and Wes for cousins
To comfort her when Patrick can't
She's got Hal for an uncle
And that's not all
She's got a whole other half of her family
To catch in in case of a fall
All we want her to know is
She's Beautiful and we love her
She'll always be surrounded by us
To protect her and to guide her