
Love, at first innocent and pure;
But then it can be as conniving as a snake.

In its purest form it is the greatest power on earth,
Able to endure all things, and make life.
At its worst it can destroy anyone who comes in its path,
To strip one until they are laid bare of emotion other than hate.
Then why do we bother to love at all.
It is an emotion of contradictions.
It can create or destroy; it can nurture or desiccate,
So why do we bother loving at all.
From this description Love is nothing more than a game.

But Love is not a game,
Love is something that has been fought for,
That people have died for,
That others have become lost without.
Love is blind, yet we go on our way, knowing one day we will love.
Love can be cruel, and ugly, but it allows us to see the good in people and the bad.

Sometimes love is seen as nothing more than a cruel joke of life,
A worse means of torture, for it allows our minds to be twisted and spent
Until we have nothing left to offer but the shells of our former selves.
But at other times Love is seen as it truly is.
As something pure, innocent, blissful and bittersweet.
Love is not perfect; in fact sometimes it is the exact opposite,
There are times when Love blinds you, when Love turns you
When Love makes you into a fool.
But this does not happen often.
Love is something that must be treasured, it is something that one
Cannot truly live without.
Love is what has built nations, what has nurtured lives, and cannot die.
True Love is the greatest treasure this world has to offer but is rarely given.
It is because as time progressed further we found that we are more susceptible to sin
Then we thought, and as time went on we strayed and twisted the meaning of Love so
Much that now, Love is no Longer what Love used to be.

We have made Love out to be a cruel, ugly thing,
But it is not, love is, simply put Love.
And we must strive to once again make the true meaning of love a reality,
Because Love is what makes life worth living, without it we are lost,
Without love we shall forever be in a world of shadow,
Not knowing or feeling what to live really means.
Love is something that cannot be played with, just as much as fate.
To Love is to be human, to let love is to be divine.
That is what Love truly is.