Un bareable

She sits in her room
Filled with Boxes
And lost dreams
Forgotten memories
And old pictures of friends
She once knew
She cries into her pillow
And throws her old teddy bear across the room
She looks up at the ceilling and cries out "Why me?"
She tears at her hair
And grabbes her matress as if it would save her life
She glances at a box and walks over to is
She picks up a picture of her and her best friend
Seeing the two smiles
Rips her heart
Remembering that her friend was her sister
Her reason to live
Her reason to smile
And the one she trusted with every secret she ever kept
She puts the picture down and looks out the window
She sees the setting sun and realizes that this was the last one that she would see
She walks over to go get that poor old teddy
She hugs it tightly,
And cries
It may not be a person
But right now
It was her only thing to hold onto
As she desended into hell for the next month
This is dedicated to my sister Christine. I am at loss for words right now, and I fear that those words may never come back to me. She has been there for me when I was not for myself. I wish my life could change quickly, but we both know that that will not happen. I wish that I could stay in this town, but we both know that I cannot. So this poem is to both of us. To represent the Hell that we are both about to go through.