The Alchemist

Freckled was his face and embellished were his eyes
Irritated stones of ruby that peered eerily above a tirade of flies,
He was the Sigmund Freud in the morning of psychological minds
And Oppenheimer's bomb beneath the whisks of shielded blinds,
Triggered for explosion by everyday news flashing on his screen
He padlocked his childhood cabin for the science of serene.

His favorable discoveries cursed by the demons of time
So the scientist of love buried all his revelations
Beneath self-loathing grime.
It was 60 years and 60 wives,
He sacrificed for the forbearing of zealous lives
Comatose is the scientific study of human love
And all the 60 wedlock's could swoon scientific notions
To fully tranced deceptions that left his chalkboards devoid of emotions.

40 days and 40 nights of deep unconsciousness for the study of devotion
He was the absentminded scientist who killed for elation
A spellbound creature lost in an ocean of psychosis
An ocean of translation.