Im Sorry That I Do Not Love You

I would love to say that I love you
that I could hug you until your black and blue
but I cant keep the truth behind the lie
for I am in love with some other guy
I know thats like poison to your veins
and im the reason why your black cloud rains
but like a plaster i did it quick
so the pain hurts less with that one fast rip
I know right now that you feel like dying
but instead you just cant stop crying
but what is the point when I know that one day
my lies will catch up on me anyway
so for now I can only apologize
for not feeding you on all those lies
for telling you the truth right away
to save you from more pain another day
im sorry for all that time I spent
dazzling you with my heavenly scent
but the thing I am most sorry for
is that it is I that you adore.