
I'm all alone is this world as everyone leaves
No more robbers, no more thieves.
No more people to worry about
No more people to sit around and pout.
No more fights, no more fun
My old world is about done.

In and out of my life, people go
This is my life, it's not a show.
I think they care, I think they love me
but what I think is not what I see.

No more fears,
No more tears.
No more people to say goodbye
No more people to lie.
They say we'll be together forever
but will I see them again, never.

They lie, they cheat, they steal
They don't care how I feel.
I'm in my own world, all alone
What I think, What I feel, is so unknown.

My world is what I wish to become true
But my wishes are known to very few.
I don't get what I want, only what they think is best,
I try to forget about the rest.
So alone, in my own place
My real world, I never wish to face.