Nightmares may be more than they seem

Another nightmare; another cry in bed
At night I wake alone
The times I need you are the times you are nowhere to be found…
You promised me, “No more nightmares!”
But you lied. The nightmares still haunt me at night…
I wake up screaming and panting in the middle of the night.
One night I wake, I see you, the love of my life, in front of my bed.
Your eyes black as night.
You spoke words of darkness, “I promised you no more nightmares. I shall fulfill that promise tonight…I will take all your nightmares away, just like I promised.”
I gazed upon his hand. In his fist, he possessed a dagger, the sharpest I ever seen. He held it high above my head, then pierced it again my chest.
I thought everything had been another nightmare, but it turned into reality.
At that moment, everything turned black and cold.