i miss us

I sit here staring out my window.
The first rays of daylight are peeking through.
I know it's time to get up to get ready,
But I can't help but think of you.

Once so close, now so far away.
What went wrong in our friendship?
It used to be you wouldn't see us apart.
Now you don't see us together.

As many times as you've been mad..
We've also made so many good memories.
Like the time I was on crutches
And we raced to see who'd get in the house first.

There was also the time when we played Guitar hero all night.
We were so tired in the morning.
But we both moved on to the next level.
We were so proud of ourselves.

What about the time when all we did was walk in the night
we talked and talked, but then my mom came looking
I bought reces and you ate them all with left overs on you shirt..
Do you remember those times? Or are you to caught up with your new life?

Sure we've had bad times.
But those really don't matter do they?
Or are those times what's behind this problem?
Grades don't matter to our friendship. Let's just be friends.

We're still in high school and still have a few years left.
But why are we acting like this?
Soon we'll go our separate ways.
Who knows when we'd see each other next.

If you're willing too, we can look past those disputes.
We can joke and have fun again. Or is that wrong?
Do you just want to stop being friends?
Whatever the reason, I miss our friendship.

i miss you