Isolated From The World

Here I am,
Completely isolated from the world.
Nothing to do,
No one to speak to.

Why have I been cursed,
To live like this forever?
No one cares about me,
They don't understand.

I don't mean to moan,
I don't mean to cry
It's been this way for a while now,
I don't know why.

I don't have anyone,
No proper home,
No friends,
I don't know how love won't hurt.

It's not fair,
God has gone too far.
They said the pain would be shielded,
By those deep, deep scars.

The scars are painful,
But I'm numb,
That pain is love,
Those scars will never heal.

I have to end it,
I have nothing left.
No one would care,
No one would notice.

Maybe in my next life,
My scars can heal.
I won't be full of pain,
My memory will be gone.

I might not be that lucky,
I might have to live,
My memory will remain,
Those scars will never heal...