On the phone she makes me wheeze
If she was here I'd give her a squeeze
She lives in a land far far away
And I think that I'd just like to say
That even on a rainy day
When old people make their way
to the bus shelter
it's a bit of a helter skelter
falling over in the rain
it makes me insane
but Louise makes it fine
So I wrote her some rhymes
For Bennieh Mcchimp
I'd walk with a limp
if it made Louise happy
Because she's the best chappy
That there ever could be
It's louise you see
she calls me up to have a chat
I really wish I had a cat
she wrote me a poem once too
about the time I went to the loo
It was called "the night my heart flew"
Or something like cool like that
we do have lovely chats
and so I finish my poem with a note:
"Louise is the best"
Quote unquote