Just Stop

Don't tell me I know nothing
About what you're going through.
Don't even say
I have no idea what it is to wish
That this day was your last
Don't open your mouth
If all you're going to do
Is tell me how easy I've had it.
You'll just make me laugh

Don't mistake my smiles
For my truths
No, they are the lies
Don't beleive when I laugh
I'm not joyful
Not in the slightest
Ignore my "I'm great"
Because I'm far from it
My eyes are the only part of me
That can't figure out how to lie
The only part I can't make act

Shut up with your
Mindless self pity
Because at 120 pounds
You find yourself fat
When you tell me I'm not
Even when I left 120 behind
Quite some time ago
Shut up about how much easier
My life is then yours
Just because you've yet to see me cry
No one has
I keep my tears to myself
Shut up
You'll just make me laugh

Quit whining
Because you were "betrayed"
When one of your friends
Bought that skirt you wanted
And now you can't
Because "everyone" will think
Your going for that twin look
That's not betrayal
That's her taking action
Because you didn't

I know what it is to hurt
I've passed each day
Wanting to end it all
I know what it is to cry
So long and hard
That your tears stop coming
And all you can do is sob
I've felt the pain
Of cruel words
You could never imagine
In your perfectly made up world

And I've felt betrayal
True betrayal
Not your prissy little kid stuff
I've had to live through a brother
Who used me for his own needs
Who never raped me
But got pretty damn close
And I've lived through facing him
Every goddamned day
Pretending that what I know happened
Never did
Because even the bastard who did it
Thinks I slept through the whole thing
And I've learned to pretend
That our relationship is ok
That I actually like him
As if.

I've pretended everything was ok
Even as inside I was dying
Even as I was giving up
I taught myself to smile

So quit complaining to me
Quit putting down my problems
You know nothing.
The difference between you and me
Is that I keep my problems
My problems
I don't burden anyone else
You, you seak out others
To complain about how horrible your day was
Because that backstabber Staci
Actually lent your ex a pencil
And you just know she has an eyes on him
Oh, please.
Just quit
Because you'll only make me laugh
At your shallow little world.