Trying to Let Go.

The day he left I thought I was free
Hearbroken but free
I thought I would have my life back
My life before him
The life that didn't revolve around him

I thought I'd get my heart back
Hopefully the same as before
But it wasn't, it never would be
My world had fallen around my feet and I honestly could careless
I wanted it back I really did
He can't just keep it... can he?

Oh I don't like this feeling
You know the feeling like your heart is right where it's suppose to be
But how can that be when we're not together but merely friends as will always be

He left me not once but twice
And always swore that he loved me
He made me grin and blush and giggle like the little school girl I was
It truely was love, for me atleast
And now I'm free and he's forgiven