The End of it All

My fury has been contained
In an organized whole
But now,
With this newfound gall,
It’s bursting at the seams
Wanting to be released and the freedom to fight against
The malicious actions and words.
It’ll find a way to tear through me,
And as things come to a close,
I’m more than obliged to listen and free
The creature within.
Soon, I shall become as feral as she.
I will slash and scorch
Who believe I will stay passive.
I will lash out and defend myself
From the attacks behind my back.
The flame burns within me
It’ll ignite my anger into an unstoppable force
And the Forest of False Friends will go up in smoke.
Those who hath wrought my hate will feel Agony.
I am not so meek a creature
As one would’ve thought.
And I will not stand by
While my words are ripped from me
And my actions used against me.
My mind, my words, and my actions
Come from me and no one else.
I am not a sheep in the mindless flock of millions
I am the raptor that feasts upon them.
I decide my own course of action
And am responsible for their consequences.
So, I must say
Welcome to the End of it All
The End of My Friends,
The End of My Hate,
The End of My Suffering,
The End, is all I can take.
It’s childish, Yes
And yet, I cannot deny myself
This one last childish pleasure,
Before I become the bigger person,
Lock the anger inside,
And turn the other cheek.