Where is my home? (Heaven)

I heard that Christians and the good call Heaven home
The Promised Land
Purity and joy is close at hand
Very peaceful there and no violence
Not a tear shed nor blood
Happiness is every where like a flood
Finally people rejoicing for freedom and slavery from earth
As I walked towards a gate made of gold
It is as the bible foretold
So much peace and love in here
Laughing and playing with out any fear
The gates then open
Giving me such a warm embrace
But I cannot go in with a false face
Too much tranquility will drive me mad
I love both good and bad that I might add
I cannot go on living sinless
Nor can I go on living sinful
I then turned away from the gate
Toward my destination full of hate
I then jumped away from heaven
Down and down I begin to dwell
Down and down I went, free falling to hell