
An empty heart,
A hollow smile,
Bitter tears,
For broken miles,
Days spent grieving,
For lost hopes,
He broke your shattered heart,
After he promised,
To never hurt you,
You got too close,
Let your guard down,
And he took that chance,
Grabbed your heart,
Sqeezed it,
Took advantage,
Then shredded it to pieces,
Smashed it into powder,
Your best friend warned you,
Said he'd break your heart,
He was only a player,
And you were his target,
A game to him,
A chance,
To get in your pants,
You never saw it coming,
He took you to carnivals,
Shared cotton candy,
And passion filled kisses,
Laughed during horror flicks,
And took walks when the sun sets,
Hand in hand,
Exchanged vallentine gifts,
Friends were jealous,
Of what you had,
But you didn't care,
You were in 'love',
But then it happened,
He hit you,
You were shocked,
He hit you again,
and again,
and again,
Till you lay there broken,
He just laughed,
Said you were clingy,
He never loved you,
Said it was all for his amusement,
Called you a whore,
To easy,
You just lay there,
He sneered at you,
Then left,
Told the whole school,
You were an easy slut,
You slowly slipped into depression,
Life looked glum,
You just wanted the jerk dead,
He tricked you,
You wanted revenge,
You grabbed a knife,
Got in your car,
Drove to his house,
And already grinning,
You knocked on his door,
He was suprised,
The silver flashed,
Crimson staining your hands,
You laughed as you stabbed him,
and again,
and again,
and again,
It felt like ages when you finally dropped the blade,
He was slumped on the ground,
Dead as can be,
You grinned and left the murder scene,
Three cheers for sweet revenge.