The Race

Running against the wind,
I feel myself fail,
I've let people down,
But I managed to get them off my trail,
I ran as hard as I could,
I was red in the face,
I couldn't breathe,
I had set the pace,
They managed to find me again,
I kept on the path,
The first thing to give,
Was my left calf,
Theirs hands found my neck,
They found my arms,
I tried to fight,
I tried my charms,
They kept on beating,
Till I was dead,
They stomped on my face,
Arms, legs and even my head,
I saw my body in front of me,
I watched through my eyes,
I watched them tell people,
I watched them tell lies,
They had chosen me,
A small thing to pick on,
An easy target for them,
Now look at me......
I'm Gone!