This Dream

We hear what they say about us
There isn't anything we can do
Anything that we do willingly
Why change

Why change
Or is this all some weird dream
If that's the case
Will I wake up
Or will I be a part of your dream

I can't fall alseep without
Being awake
I can't stop this anymore
My control is like fog
It evaporates

This desicions can't be made by me
I don't know when I'm
Sometimes the dreams are so real
Or reality is so unbelievable

I awake and wish myself to be
In that parrall universe
Where it's just us
Our 'species'
As they call us

The labelers and the labeled
Never can form
Always to the side
Separated like fenced yards

Sometimes I wish these dreams would take me away
Not death, but a subconscious escape
That leaves me grasping
To the threads of life
That I hated

If you read this
You don't have to
This world is built on secrets
Not Knowing

That's all we are.