The Assailant Part I

She's rushing; she's falling.
She's losing her breath
As she's losing her place.

Caught up in space and time,
Her heart poured out on the floor.
Shaking hands and breaking hearts.
She carries blood in a bag propped firmly
On her breaking back.

Fumbling in and out of consciousness
She prays;
She prays for the days of no regrets.
Where she lived in the present tense
And her head wasn't clouded with
Pain from the past.

She stares in the mirror
At her younger self.
Innocent and piggy-tailed
Smiles on the shelf.

Her fist clenched;
Raised violently.
The mirror twitches.
Morphing her smile.
Twisted and confused
To sinister and evil.

Into the world she now strolls
With a gleam in her eye
It's time; this time
For them all to die.

A laugh in her throat purred lowly
Like a jaguar on the prowl.
And her fingers grasping the pistol
And her lips pursed into a scowl.